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ABC der politischen Rechte

16 RM fracziun parlamentara; fracziun Gruppa da parlamentaris da la medema partida u da partidas politicamain vi- schinas, constituida d’almain tschintg commembers dal medem cussegl, en la quala vegnan predeliberadas las fatschentas parlamentaras cun la finamira da furmar posiziuns cuminaivlas. L’Assamblea federala è dividida en diversas fracziuns che han il dretg da de- legar represchentants en las cumissiuns parlamentaras. EN parliamentary group Group comprising at least five members of the same party or of parties hold- ing similar views from one or both chambers of the Federal Assembly whose task is to discuss parliamentary business in advance in order to agree on a common line to take on the matter. The Federal Assembly is, politically speaking, divided into parliamentary groups; these groups have the right to appoint members to parliamentary committees. DE Kandidat; Kandidatin; Vorgeschlagener; Vorgeschlagene Person, die sich zur Wahl stellt und dafür die verfassungsmässigen und ge- setzlichen Erfordernisse erfüllt. FR candidat; candidate Personne qui se présente à une élection et qui satisfait aux conditions pres- crites par la Constitution et par la législation. IT candidato; candidata Persona che si presenta a un’elezione e che soddisfa i pertinenti requisiti costituzionali e legali. RM candidat; candidata Persuna che vul sa laschar eleger e ch’ademplescha las premissas legalas e constituziunalas. EN candidate Person who stands for election and who satisfies the constitutional and legal requirements in order to do so.